Ange Nzihou

Ange Nzihou

– Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, IMT -CNRS, France

– Fulbright and visiting Professor, Princeton University, USA

– Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University (China), Mahatma Gandhi University (India), University of Pretoria (South Africa)

– Nobel laureates J. B. Goodenough, M. S. Whittingham and A. Yoshino Chair Professor Holder on “Sustainable Energy Materials” at the Mahatma Gandhi University (India)

– Founder and Editor-in-Chief Journal « Waste and Biomass Valorization » – Springer Nature

– Founder and Chair of the WasteEng International Conference Series – A biannual international conference

He has published more than 200 peer reviewed journal papers and co-edit 3 books on his Research fields and expertise:

  • Energy and added value materials from Biomass and Waste
  • Carbon-based functional materials (Graphene, Sensors, catalysts, energy carriers)
  • Hydrogen, Syngas, Fuel from renewable resources
  • Thermochemical processes (pyrolysis, gasification, reforming, carbonisation)
  • Elaboration, functionalization phosphate-based composites / hybrid materials (sorbents, fertilizers, catalysts, energy carriers, sensors) for energy, agriculture, and depollution (liquid, gas, solid phases).
  • Behavior of pollutants such as heavy metals and aerosols (fine particles)

Conference Place Address

Rhodes, Greece

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Head of the Organizing Committee, Dr. Konstantinos Moustakas: